The AutoCAD .NET Addin Wizard 2015 that was recently released is in fact the Professional 2.x major version. Issues will be fixed and features enhanced in the near future in minor builds for free update, in case you have already purchased an authorization code.
- Please Run the MSI Installer As Administrator.
- Please Start Visual Studio As Administrator.
- In case the toolbars of AutoCAD .NET Addin Wizard 2015 still don't show up in any editions of Visual Studio 2015/2013/2012, please run the ANAW2015.vsix file directly from the installation folder, which is by default as "C:\Program Files (x86)\AcadNetAddinWizardPRO".
- In case the authorization code cannot be properly written, please start the Visual Studio as Administrator and try again.
- In case any features do not behave as expected, please start the Visual Studio as Administrator and try again.
- In case the project creation is intercepted by some other extension such as NuGet accidentally thus some weird behavior appears such as the .NET Framework being targeted as Universal Windows or something like that in the resultant project, please uninstall/disable the other extension and try our wizards again.
- In case of some other issues or comments, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
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